Honestly, a bit surprised by this. It wasn’t even on Steam. Hopefully switching to an open source SDK will get this back up.

  • @dezmd
    1 year ago

    Why would a grown ass adult put so much effort into an unlicensed dupilcation of copyrighted IP (Valve) and build it on top of a system from a company known for ridiculous enofrcement of IP that had a walled garden of access to their game system IP that is protected by the copyright cabal supported DMCA?

    There’s more sides and nuance to all of this.

    He could’ve made Portal in the style of a 90s console instead of directly declaring it N64 and only had to tend with permission for it as a mod from Valve’s sometimes permissive pov without crazy assed 'Tendo being involved.

    • @Mango
      21 year ago

      Because that’s cool as fuck.

      If he did it your way, that defeats the purpose of the constraints in the exercise.

      • @dezmd
        01 year ago

        It’s ‘cool as fuck’ right up until he gets personally sued out of existence by Nintendos balls crazy legal team.

        The excercise maybe made sense 10 years ago, before we all became were aware of just how uninterested Nintendo gets over cool shit that used any of their licensed technology.