I was a Nova Launcher user for many many years, but then Microsoft Launcher came with basically the same features as Nove and a few new killer features, so I moved to it.

But today I woke my phone up and everything was gone. My screens, widgets, folders… And even if I wanted to set everything up again, I can’t because Microsoft Launcher won’t start.

So… yeah, fun times. Won’t be using Microsoft Launcher ever again, even if they fix it.

What are you guys using? And what killer features does you launcher of preference have that make you use it?

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Maybe you can simulate something like that , but horizontally, using multiple screens in Nova. I’m not kind of a “widget guy”, but I’m curious. Can you tell me which widgets you were using? I would like to try.

    • Cosmic FrogOP
      12 years ago

      I love widgets! Ugly as they are, I love to have a bunch of info at a glance, and most act like shortcuts too. I’m still rebuilding since everything got deleted, but from memory, I got widgets for gmail, whatsapp, todoist, keep, a few music and podcast players, tv time (a tv show episode tracker), toggl, feedly, and something google made called action blocks that let you make button widgets that run predefined actions with google assistant. And I’m sure I’m forgetting at least a handful.