The next years are going to be fun… The world is burning while the fossil fuel industry is chugging along like everything is great as long as you buy enough co2 credits.

I’m scared in what kind of world my children will have to live in…

  • @AttackBunny
    21 year ago

    Ok, stupid question. What exactly is El Niño, or is it relative to your location. In CA El Niño has always just meant a wet winter. No other change.

    • @Stuka
      21 year ago

      A periodic band of warm water water in yhr pacific that causes weather changes when in effect. Here in AR for example, it’s hot as balls.

      • @AttackBunny
        31 year ago

        I’ve been in AZ/UT in what I can only describe as monsoon season. Near constant rain. Roads/freeways washing away. Is that El Niño too?

        I think it was 2013 or 2014 we were driving back to San Diego from Boneville Salt Flats and a stretch of the 15 washed out. Everyone ended up being diverted to the single lane highway we were taking, through the middle of NOWHERE, and caused a shit ton of traffic. Fun times.

        • @TopRamenBinLaden
          11 year ago

          No that’s just monsoon season in AZ/UT. In AZ it happens every year around the end of summer where it will just rain really hard everyday for a few weeks. We get lots of flash floods around then.