Completely indoctrinated, unaware that she severed a friendship for a morally bankrupt individual ages ago; if only she realized the absurdity, I’ve encountered this, which is why it resonates strongly with me They turn to Reddit for more validation, seeking affirmation that their decision was right. Predictably, the comments overwhelmingly support her, revealing a deep seated awareness that it might be wrong. Yet, in an attempt to alleviate guilt, she resorts to the supposedly wise council of the Islam subreddit a pathetic pursuit for the sake of absurdity.
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I see the same thing in Christian circles, and it’s why I despise religion these days.
Not for the attempt at wisdom and morals, but for the obvious shortcomings and lazy “logic”. So often I hear people end with thought-terminating cliches like, “oh God must have been unhappy with them!” all the time.
Religous people are braindead, and it’s not because of any specific religion. They’re just trained to use motivated thinking for everything, which makes them willfully ignorant of all things they practice motivated thinking about. (which is everything for many of the vocal)