Have you commute to work by cycling? My workplace is 17km per trip, is it consider a normal/doable distance for bicycle commute? Havent done it before

  • JustEnoughDucks
    1 year ago

    I did 26km one way, twice a day for a year with an electric bike (slow one, limited to 25km/hr, but I usually went 27 so it gave almost no assistance except hills)

    It is absolutely doable, but now that I moved and I am only 14km from work, it is much better. 2.5 hours commuting really sucks. It takes away gym time, family time, and free time and most days I pretty much worked, commuted, cooked, then had 1 hour free before bed.

    It also depends on your winters. If it is regularly below zero, I wouldn’t. Turns get too dangerous when you are running a bit late for work. I wiped out once already this winter.

    You should also have a contingency for when it is pouring rain or storming because those rides are miserable.