In a press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukri in Cairo, the top Chinese diplomat said “it is necessary to insist on the establishment of an independent, fully sovereign state of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with east Jerusalem as its capital.”

A joint statement from the two ministers urged an immediate end “to all acts of violence, killing and targeting of civilians and civilian establishments”.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has previously called for an “international peace conference” to resolve the fighting.

China has historically been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and supportive of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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  • Flying Squid
    -16 months ago

    Why are you posting this CCP rag? Who gives a shit what the top Chinese diplomat has to say? They have their own fucking genocide issue so they have no room to talk. Yes, there should be a ceasefire. Yes, Palestinians should have statehood. But even if you care about China, why does it matter if this specific diplomat in Egypt says that?

    • @School_Lunch
      46 months ago

      I doubt he would have said anything unless it matched the party line, so its not completely uninformative. The problem I see is that I’m pretty sure that this peace solution has been proposed in the past, and it was the Palestinians who rejected it.