I saw no GOL links here so far. Great site, it taught me about Reddit, 10 years ago

  • MerylasFalguard
    62 years ago

    I’m conflicted on it. I want one, but I’m not sure exactly how much I’d use it. I have a PC that I built a few years back, but at this point I spend so much time sitting inmost a desk in front of the same screens that I feel like I’d be more likely to play stuff if I could do it on a handheld while laying on the couch or something. But also I don’t want to spend the money on it only to find out I’m wrong about that….

    • Evaporate4149
      12 years ago

      I’ve only really used mine on trips. Mostly playing games like Hades, which are quick to pickup and put down.

    • tal
      2 years ago

      I like having a larger screen for games, if I can manage it.

      I think that the Steam Deck is particularly interesting for people who want to play games on the move. Like, you’re waiting in line at the grocery store or whatever. Especially if it’s somewhere where you can’t sit down, so a laptop – even if you’re willing to carry one – isn’t an option.

      Nothing else does a fantastic job of filling that niche. The closest thing is probably a smartphone running mobile games with a controller, but that isn’t really as convenient or, in most respects, capable. Or the mobile consoles, which aren’t as capable either.

    • Domi
      12 years ago

      You can return any hardware on Steam within 14 days if you don’t like it.