That new rule is outlined in a document that NYPD beat reporters must sign if they want to use the new office. “Authorized journalists must adhere to the following,” the document reads, before rattling off a list of restrictions on journalists: Reporters will no longer be able to use their credentials past the security checkpoint without a security screening. Past the security cordon, they’re supposed to stay in the trailer or the little courtyard out back of the trailer. If they want to use the public bathroom on the ground floor of the headquarters, that’s okay. They can also go to the cafeteria on the ground floor.

Beyond those destinations, though, “when traveling throughout police headquarters, authorized members of the media must be escorted by a member of Headquarters Security or DCPI,” the new regulations state.

Even to attend disciplinary trials, which take place on the fourth floor and are open to the public, reporters will be required to notify the cops on duty at Headquarters Security.

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  • @Potatos_are_not_friends
    298 months ago

    Its crazy that you can Google any doctor and find a lot of personal info on them. Their license, where they practice, everything.

    But a police officer? Nah that’s private.

    The folks who have authority to walk into a house and start shooting, also gets the right to privacy.