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Орк відстрілюється від Мавіка з рпг🤣🤣🤣👍

У довбойоба всі шанси спалити собі дупу і отримати баротравму

The icing on the cake from our tankers. Yes yes, tankers

An orc shoots back at Mavic from an RPG🤣🤣🤣👍

The idiot has every chance of burning his ass and getting barotrauma

    • @LowtierComputer
      79 months ago

      Definitely not. That’s normal for backblast. That’s a great angle to cook your calves though.

    • Shawdow194
      19 months ago

      No way! That looks like exactly what happened… CRAZY - they dont even know which way to point their guns…

      • @shalva97
        69 months ago

        He can’t be that dumb. I think he shot it correctly, but it missed, otherwise there would be explosion not just smoke

        • @[email protected]
          119 months ago

          RPG ammo takes a while to arm itself after launch (or at least western ones tend to be like that) to prevent accidents in case shooter hits a branch or something else in the heat of combat. But I agree, that looks like he used it correctly (and his arm positions support that, it would be difficult to push trigger wrong way around) and just missed. Ammo is just way too fast for drone camera, specially with that resolution+framerate.

          Some variants might not even explode even if he hit the thing, but that’s irrelevant since a direct hit with pretty much anything bigger than a coin will bring a drone down.