• @surewhynotlem
    69 months ago

    Capitalism is very analogous to evolution. I wouldn’t call it efficient in any way.

      • @surewhynotlem
        99 months ago

        Someone starts a new company. It either grows or dies. The company can change over time to adapt to it’s environment, it can split, it can spawn new companies. The ones that fit best in their environment survive. The ones that don’t die. Some companies fill a specific niche and never grow beyond that. If they grow too big they can outpace their environment and destroy it and themselves.

        • @orrk
          109 months ago

          and some turn into literal cancer that is killing society!

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          Some companies fill a specific niche and never grow beyond that. If they grow too big they can outpace their environment and destroy it and themselves.

          Don’t mind me, just fantasizing about the alternate timeline where Amazon never expanded past selling books.

          • @frokie
            49 months ago

            Nope that’s why it takes so long and causes species extinction along the way

      • @LemmyKnowsBest
        8 months ago

        pls expand:

        C a p i t a l i s m i s a n a l o g o u s t o e v o l u t i o n . I w o u l d n ’ t c a l l i t e f f i c i e n t i n a n y w a y .

        pls expound:

        Someone starts a new company. It either grows or dies. The company can change over time to adapt to it’s environment, it can split, it can spawn new companies. The ones that fit best in their environment survive. The ones that don’t die. Some companies fill a specific niche and never grow beyond that. If they grow too big they can outpace their environment and destroy it and themselves.