Every now and then I see a vintage car in the street, originally from the 40s or 60s, in spotless condition. Cars have been around for longer than computers… But would such a thing be viable for electronics?

Wait, does it exist already and I never heard of it?

This… Really feels like a very stupid question. Sorry

  • Death_Equity
    1 year ago

    “You used to have to carry a device you manually interfaces with and charge it instead of using intercranial synaptic devices with seamless cognitive interfaces powered by biogenerative batteries and interocular displays? How did you know anything?”


    “Haha, I love your stories from before the war! It sounds so cool to not fight irradiated mutant cassowary and venomous flies for rats to eat!”

    The novelty of old technology will never cease to amaze our future. People love the novelty of antiquated technology.