TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.

@til #TIL

    • Bifurkatus 🎭OP
      -11 year ago

      @freemo @til Lemmy can sort posts by relevance and is moderated while in mastodon groups you see very irrelevant posts from time to time.

          • @dichotomiker

            So our group server has two components, the group server itself, which is not usually where you will be viewing things or logged in. So no special sorting directly on the group server.

            However on our normal server where the users live there is a “group directory” which is how they peruse the groups (as is the case for most fediverse activity). For the group support ont he client side there kinda of storting and filtering yes, but the sorting could be extended a bit to make it more powerful for sure.
