• @AllonzeeLV
    9 months ago

    King was murdered by that system at least partially for those beliefs.

    And that was before the Reagan giveaway, the conversion of the Corporate party’s former opposition party’s conversion into bribe taking neoliberals, and the icing on the cake of hopelessness, Citizens United which effectively made political bribery legal. The power King was speaking against has gotten much more powerful since that power ended his life.

    This system needs to be destroyed and a new one rebuilt in its place. We can suffer the pain of that, or the generationial pain of subsistence until inevitable collapse under the weight of our own market capitalist con game having nowhere left to metastasize. Pain either way, but I’m guessing we’ll keep passing the buck because that’s the path of least resistance.

    • @Nobody
      9 months ago

      Yeah, they threatened and harassed Dr. King, but no one was taking a shot at him while he campaigned for civil rights. Once he started the Poor People’s Campaign and sought to unite all races against economic injustice, they killed him for it. That, and his outspoken opposition to the Vietnam War.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      219 months ago

      This system needs to be destroyed and a new one rebuilt in its place. We can suffer the pain of that, or the generationial pain of subsistence until inevitable collapse under the weight of its own market capitalist con game. Pain either way, but I’m guessing we’ll keep passing the buck because that’s the path of least resistance.

      Well said.

      • @FrowingFostek
        159 months ago

        “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.” -TJ

      • @AllonzeeLV
        9 months ago

        I must sound like a broken record to you, my friend 🤣

        It just helps me feel sane to lay out the same truths in the face of mass indolence.

        • @BroBot9000
          89 months ago

          Your original response was very aptly worded.

          It’s still mind blowing that there are people, even here on Lemmy, still defending this broken system like corporate lap dogs.

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          49 months ago

          “Mass Indolence” would make a great band game.

      • @AllonzeeLV
        9 months ago

        Why do you feel entitled to cause massive pain and suffering to others to attain your political goals?




        Massive pain and suffering is upon us and worsening by the day, whether you would risk it or not.

        Is it just because you feel like you’re in a relatively comfortable position that you think the above mass suffering is defensible? Because if this in fact a society, that suffering is our responsibility and shame upon our heads.

          • @JimmyMcGill
            59 months ago

            He didn’t mention Trump or gave any indication that Trump is the solution. What are you on about in this comment??

            • @AllonzeeLV
              9 months ago

              Yeah, I’m a democratic socialist. I primaried and phone banked for Sanders twice. I don’t know where she’s getting off thinking I think making the current system go full fascist is the same as starting fresh and building an equitable economy and society with social supports.

              Trump loves the current system and is a direct product of it, and his prominence is a direct result of the Reagan’s impact on the culture. He might as well be the current system’s, that I loathe, mascot.

              He’s who we are, greed and greed worship incarnate, and that’s the problem.

              • @AllonzeeLV
                9 months ago

                Violent revolution or collapse are the only ways things will begin to improve. Our framework is too hacked for self-repair to be possible, let alone likely. Rejecting Reagan would have been the last chance of an offramp to save the current framework.

                I vote Democrat in the same way the Titanic crew kept the water pumps running, it bought a little time as they sank, it wasn’t a solution. It is a desperate play to slow the descent slightly. Biden And Trump both worship the market capitalists destroying us, to slightly different degrees. Wall Street is our society’s blight, DC is just a symptom of that.

                “Tankies” don’t own revolution and never did. Russia sucks. Putin should be assassinated. Free Palestine and Ukraine.

      • @cybervseas
        39 months ago

        Disco Elysium kind of plays with this idea

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        Because the people we oppose are already committing mass violence on people. Evil people do not respond to peace, they only respond to violence. The only way to end their violence is using violence to ensure they can’t do it.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            No, certainly random forum folk won’t. But unions certainly could, if we got them enough power. All the strongest people, with leverage over critical infrastructure. But in the meantime, before unions have enough power for that, I think it does basically just fall on random forum folk to get-together IRL and protest against these issues, violently where necessary.