A swastika was left on a wall of the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza in Philadelphia

A Holocaust memorial in Philadelphia has been vandalised with a swastika as acts of antisemitism continue to rise across the country.

The Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza said in a post that earlier this weekend, an unidentified figure vandalised a wall of the plaza, drawing a large swastika.

The memorial’s post described it as “a disgusting act of antisemitism that comes amid a staggering spike in anti-Jewish hatred across Philadelphia and the country more broadly”.

While the swastika graffiti has been removed from the wall, according to NBC, the organisation is asking anyone who may have any information about the vandalism to contact the Philadelphia Police Department.

  • Flying Squid
    49 months ago

    I don’t care if you’re queer. I really don’t. Maybe you want me to, but it has not mattered to me one bit this entire time.

    • ArumiOrnaught
      09 months ago

      I never tried to make you care. I was using that experience of becoming a monolith as a way to relate to you.

      • Flying Squid
        39 months ago

        Well I must say, using antisemitic stereotypes and repeatedly insisting I insulted you when I told you I did nothing of the sort is a really great way to relate to me. Great job there.

        • ArumiOrnaught
          09 months ago

          You really need to look in a mirror more.

          You started this by lumping me into a group I’m not a part of, the thing you were complaining about. And I then just repeated it back at you, but with your character. If you don’t like it then don’t do it.

          • Flying Squid
            39 months ago

            Yet again, I didn’t lump you into anything. This isn’t about you. Stop making it about you. You are irrelevant.

            • ArumiOrnaught
              19 months ago

              me - “I’m x”
              you - talks about thing involving x

              I’m willing to say you just lucked wrong. But it is fairly reasonable to say that the average person would assume you’re talking about them. People aren’t psychic.

              Then on the scale of how you took my response apparently a smiley face means this is the ‘worst iteration of anger’? And apparently ribbing means ‘stabbing you as hard as I can’, and not ‘you did the thing and I’ll play back’

              You aren’t perfect. Pretending like you are is silly.

              • Flying Squid
                29 months ago

                And pretending like you didn’t say something antisemitic is also silly. Especially when you took great umbrage to an insult I never made.

                • ArumiOrnaught
                  19 months ago

                  I didn’t take great umbrage. That was 3 lines out of 30. And also once again sandwiched between me agreeing with you mostly.

                  Also once again, if you’re saying I said something antisemitic, then you said something homophobic first.

                  Once again, you’re arguing against a mirror.

                  Weird, I thought reminding people worked :/

                  • Flying Squid
                    19 months ago

                    I said absolutely nothing homophobic whatsoever. That is a scurrilous lie. In fact, I very blatantly talked about stereotypes of gay men and lesbians. Note I never once even implied you were either because I don’t give a shit what you are.

                    You, however, said:

                    3 types of Jewish people: Rabbi’s, Brooklyn mom’s, and John Stewart.

                    Which is just blatantly antisemitic. You cannot quote one single homophobic thing I said. You just imagined I was talking about you as if you matter to me, which you don’t.