• HubertManne
    09 months ago

    Im not sure but I think most folks views on israel is they want nothing to with it or really the region. The country was artifically created but its been around and if you want to say the country should just leave as they are not the original people, well as an american I can’t be that much of a hypocrite. Then you have the fact that nothing we have done in the region has ever resulted in good outcomes.

    • PugJesus
      09 months ago

      Man, I’m not one of those cretins who says “The Jews must be driven to the sea!” or any of that nonsense. I just think that Israel, as a functioning nation-state, needs to stop committing genocide, and I would really like if everyone here in the West was on the same page on that matter. I don’t think that’s a high bar to clear. Or at least, it shouldn’t be.

      • HubertManne
        19 months ago

        I get you but again some of us just want nothing to do with it and not just them but the saudis and pakistan and all of it. Granted we are in so deep in this region and plenty of americans felt the same as we were getting involved. We are in the chains of our past. Keep in mind we were not looking to get involved in ww2 to rescue legitimate democracies much less the individual people and children suffering. Whats going on over there sucks but it always has and our interference, including now, has not resulted in better outcomes.

        • PugJesus
          19 months ago

          I mean, my position is that any aid should be conditional on humane and lawful treatment of the Palestinian nation, but the chances of that are so slim that my position is effectively that we should withdraw all Israeli aid. Not that we should intervene or land troops or anything.

          • HubertManne
            19 months ago

            for me its lets not do anything. sure if our ships or allies are being threatened we defend that but otherwise nothing. of course I would like us to do the same with egypt and turkey and such but that aint gonna happen. Heck I would prefer the UN only be made up of democracies. How can you have a democratically run institution with non democratic nations.