This thing has been in my garden since I moved here and it’s always just been pushed up against the side of the fence. I want rid of it now but I haven’t got a clue what I’m removing. Its about 1 metre away from a telegraph pole. Nothing on the other side of the fence.

When the rod at the top reaches the fence it just goes straight down into the ground. I can rotate it around that point but no matter how much I pull/rotate it, it wont come out.

Another image after rotating it here:

Edit: Solved. It’s a turnbuckle previously used to hold up the telegraph pole.

  • @FlayOttersOP
    22 years ago

    Openreach are out all the time messing with the pole and have never mentioned it. In other gardens they don’t have anything like this next to their pole either. Is it possibly something used temporarily when the pole is being installed?


    • @RedRuM
      32 years ago

      maybe? it would make sense that it was required before and isn’t now so it just got cut off? it’s 100% related to the pole though, if you get chance to politely shout in the direction of the next person going up the pole, see if they know what you can do with it

      • @FlayOttersOP
        22 years ago

        Thank you. Will ask them the next time they’re here.