• FinnFooted
    2 years ago

    MOHELA is not part of the state, it is owned by the state (not the same). It is an enterprise. Just because they used word salad to make it sound like a direct injury to the state doesnt mean it is. Look closely. They say a direct injury to Missouri, but they dont say the Missouri government explicitly. MOHELA is an instrumentallity lol. Because its not actually part of the Missouri state government and because it has not recently nor will it pay into the government in the future, there is no direct harm to the state government of Missouri from federal student loan debt cancelation. This is just mental gymnastics to make it look like they’re not totally contradictory.

    MOHELA was not a part of the suit. It did not want to be part of it. Because managing this risky debt is actually a liability to MOHELA. Not a money maker. For example, I dont live in the US anymore. On IBR, my payments are 0$ a month. After 20 years, my debt is forgiven. MOHELA now has to service me for 20 years for free with no income from it. I am a liability to MOHELA. Anyone who defaults is a liability.

    So, to recap what I’ve already said:

    • MOHELA isnt part of the Missouri state government
    • MOHELA doesn’t pay the Missouri state government (though the supreme court acknowledged this and stupidly argue that student loan forgiveness will impede MOHELAs ability to service the students of Missouri lol)
    • Any possible losses to Missouri government are indirect
    • MOHELA stands to lose from this decision anyway which is why it never wanted to be involved
    • Supreme courts standing is bullshit and even contradictory