We’re ever hopeful, hope being key to meeting lots of mental demands, something to aspire to or wish for. You may hope for something for just you, you may hope for the planet, plenty of mental health problems stem from actual issues in the our environment
I’m hopeful for me, I’m learning better with dealing with children already. I hope that patience comes to me, and that my teaching pays off.
I’m also hopeful for a change of government in the UK, the current corrupt cronies are hopelessly inept too and a return to a caring state is long overdue
I’m less optimistic about the climate this year, but hopeful we’ll see signs of progress. Shareholder rebellions, ex-colonies sueing first world for climate reparations, and governments investing more responsibly. We shall see. This one often plays on my mind, a future for us all is a big burden to carry, but I do joke to people I work to save the world at the $dayjob