I feel like I’ve been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god

  • @merthyr1831
    138 months ago

    now to get a chromebook with coreboot to really stick it to the anti FOSS demons

      • @merthyr1831
        28 months ago

        the Chrultrabook project is what youll wanna look into, but basically yes. You can reliably get new-ish hardware very cheaply and flash FOSS stuff like Coreboot onto it.

        No idea why tbh. The equivalent laptops outside of ChromeOS’ ecosystem are usually much more locked down, to the point where the most powerful systems you’ll find being able to run Coreboot are decades-old thinkpads on 3rd gen mobile i5 and Kepler mGPUs.

    • @Haha
      48 months ago

      I have a chromebook how do i convert

      • @13617
        48 months ago

        chultrabook discord

        • @Haha
          28 months ago

          Got a link?

        • @Haha
          28 months ago

          Model is n16p1 - acer 14 CB3-431

            • @Haha
              18 months ago

              I’ve done everything and my roadblock is finding compatible images hahaha

    • Chemical Wonka
      38 months ago

      I gave one step more to achieve the holy sanctity of FOSS hardware I bought a Thinkpad and flashed Libreboot in it. Waiting for the bless of Saint iGNUcius