Why even bother having it at all anymore. Can’t use it through Bluetooth, it’s slow, can’t hardly handle any tasks…

Google has completely lost the plot with their services.

  • @APassenger
    1 year ago

    They want out and haven’t found a way to make money off of voice assistant. They’re just slowly killing it.

    It’s part of why I’m pushing hard on my HA and hoping their voice efforts at least give me a solid voice experience at home.

    HA = Home Assistant

    Edit to say: I get that people are frustrated that previously good (mostly) free solutions are going away. I’m not defending tech, but I do see their business need here. Google has long lost my trust anyhow.

    I’m not upset by the down votes, but 8 do wonder what they mean.

    To me the only safe thing to do is pull back and build my own. Raspberry Pis aren’t expensive.