A future-of-work expert said Gen Zers didn’t have the “promise of stability” at work, so they’re putting their personal lives and well-being first.

  • ???
    -18 months ago

    Wow what a sweeping statement with no legs to stand on.

    I love work. I worked (yes) quite hard to get a degree and become a developer and ML engineer. One day, I’d like to work in computational neuroscience. I hate so many things about work culture, but the work itself? Naaah, it’s awesome. I’d rather spend every day in this life working on something I love and have interested in, instead of going around making sweeping statements about the entire globe on the internet, incapable of accepting that not everyone is like me.

      • ???
        8 months ago

        Then get ready for lots of downvotes because apparently pointing out that someone made a sweeping generalization then telling the world you’re one of those few who enjoy their jobs means you deserve being downvoted to hell 😁

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      snek’s statement still stands. They announced they love work. It negates the prior statement. Why downvote then?

      • ???
        18 months ago

        I thought this was Work Reform, not Anti Work 😭 my mistake

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Modern “work” does not involve doing something you’re passionate about or interested in for the vast majority of people…

      • ???
        38 months ago

        Yep so not “all” of them.

          • ???
            38 months ago

            Oh my oh my sorry for taking people in the internet at face value. Next time I’ll just guess what their thought process was and live my life based on that.

              • ???
                38 months ago

                Here’s another one: I’m so sorry your life must really suck with work and all to the point that you can’t see other people enjoying it and where you feel the need to say they aren’t really “working” just because they found something they love and succeeded in navigating the shitty system (out or merit or luck or privilege, whatever) and you didn’t /:

                We can all be on the same side. I hate modern work culture and I actively try to improve it and myself day after day. I’m sure you do too.

                Could you accept that one too?

                Cheers bud.

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Lol, good try at turning snek’s argument against him, but that was clearly sarcasm.

                owen is the reason /s was invented.

    • @the_q
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • ???
        38 months ago

        It literally Is work, and you knew that before replying /: see we can both say shit like that.

        • @the_q
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator