A future-of-work expert said Gen Zers didn’t have the “promise of stability” at work, so they’re putting their personal lives and well-being first.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    And you think that’ll allow you to retire at 65? 85?

    Look, I get it. I don’t prioritize work over “life”, but I’m not naive to believe that I’ll have a comfortable retirement, because I won’t.

    I think the majority of us will stuggle tremendously in the coming decades.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I never said you’d be able to comfortably retire. That’s another part of it. The younger generations know they won’t retire at all, or at a reasonable time, so just do your 40, get enough to live, and go do something actually fulfilling.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Most don’t expect to retire ever - they will work enough to survive until they die, naturally or otherwise.

      Whether this is bleak realism or self-fulfilling, dangerous pessimism is an interesting question.