• Omega
    325 months ago

    You’re right. However, the rest is genocide.

    • @sugarfree
      -555 months ago

      No. Genocide isn’t a term you can throw around lightly, something you don’t like isn’t genocide just because you think it is. There is no genocide in Palestine, and it’s horrendously offensive to even suggest that such a thing is occurring.

      • @[email protected]
        225 months ago

        Just because you say it doesn’t make it true, and just because you pretend to be horrified or offended doesn’t make it false

      • Omega
        155 months ago

        Telling people they shouldn’t talk about genocide is horrendously offensive.

        • Ashy
          -225 months ago

          Trivializing actual genocide by just throwing the word around is also horrendously offensive.

          • Omega
            155 months ago

            Trivializing actual genocide by dismissing it is horrendously offensive.

      • Rentlar
        145 months ago

        South Africa is making the case that it’s genocide, that’s not to be taken lightly and it’s not just random people saying it is.

        There’s been plenty of evidence. Look at the one-sided settler violence that’s been happening in West Bank, the people killed there are by and large uninvolved with the October massacre and terrorist attacks, including the American-Palestinian boy from Louisiana.

        Israel kills doctors: https://www.npr.org/2023/11/16/1213307710/gaza-doctors-al-shifa-hospital

        Israel kills journalists, some intentionally: https://cpj.org/2024/01/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/

        Israel kills children: https://www.telegraphindia.com/world/strike-kills-12-people-mostly-children-in-gaza-area-declared-safe-zone-by-israel/cid/1991673 (and are a significant portion of the reported 25000 dead from the conflict)

        Israel strikes locations where it tells civilians to evacuate to for safety: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/israel-hamas-war-day-59-1.7048019

        I have nothing against Jews or people who are from Israel. We have to stop supporting and sanction the IDF and Israeli government’s policy of recklessly inflicting non-combatant casualties in the region.

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          5 months ago

          Look who joined South Africa’s complaint. That’s all you need to know. Look who’s line you’re towing right now. Paragraph 12 of South Africa’s application.

          Presidents of Algeria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Türkiye, and Venezuela have all described Israel’s actions as a genocide, as has the Palestinian President. State officials and representatives from Bangladesh, Egypt, Honduras, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Malaysia, Namibia, Pakistan, Syria, and Tunisia.

          Find them credible on human rights?

      • @[email protected]
        -225 months ago

        I agree with you, but found out real quick that people on here really do believe the over the top rhetoric with respect to this religious war. Now I generally just pass on by without commenting. This being an exception. The better to gather downvotes I suppose.

        • @kurwa
          175 months ago

          It’s good to know you support the killing of 10s of thousands of innocent civilians, many women and children, and the forced starvation of at least half a million people. Of course though, because they are Arab means they don’t count as people right?

            • @kurwa
              05 months ago

              Okay psycho.

                • @kurwa
                  -35 months ago

                  Removed by mod

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                    5 months ago

                    People who agree with you, from Paragraph 12 of South Africa genocide application to the UN criminal court:

                    Presidents of Algeria, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Türkiye, and Venezuela have all described Israel’s actions as a genocide, as has the Palestinian President. State officials and representatives from Bangladesh, Egypt, Honduras, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Malaysia, Namibia, Pakistan, Syria, and Tunisia.

                    Good company you keep there kurwa.