We often hear about the latest engagement hacks on other platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or X, formerly known as Twitter. But Google is consequential above all of these, acting essentially as the referee of the web. Yet deep knowledge of how its systems work is largely limited to industry publications and marketing firms — as users, we don’t get an explanation of why sites suddenly look different or how Google ranks one website above another. It just happens.

Bit by bit, the internet has been remade in Google’s image. And it’s humans — not machines — who have to deal with the consequences.

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    The article complains that websites twist themselves out of shape to game search ranking with SEO so they can sell ads. Google doesn’t provide transparency on exactly what changes SEO because they don’t want rankings gamed.

    I dunno what to say. Ads are shitty for consumers. Websites that exist solely to sell ads risk turning into content farms (e.g. bOingbOing).