So I want to make this post because I don’t know why instances, mine specifically, choose to block others. Now, don’t get me wrong that blocking instances that are CP related and anything illegal is something that should and needs to be blocked and/or removed. but if its something like Threads, let me choose to block a user myself, give me the freedom to do so. I’ve seen Brodie Robertson’s video talking about this, and I whole heartily agree with his stance on this where letting the user have the freedom to block a user or instance themselves.

I just feel that some lemmy instances are turning into big tech companies where they are controlling everything, and don’t get me wrong, its their server space, do what you want to do, but at least since you are using foss to run your lemmy server, at least be different then Reddit or YouTube etc. I created a lemmy account just to have a more private experience from Reddit without being tracked all the time. guess I was wrong.

not trying to get on the wrong foot here, I am just a fan of internet freedom, and I think you should have the right to do anything you want online, that’s within legal waters.


  • @breadsmasher
    4 months ago

    I don’t understand what you’re actually asking? Beyond complaining lemmy instances are becoming “big tech”?

    if youre unhappy with the instance you are on defederating, you can create your own instance and federate with whoever you please

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      They don’t like Big Tech, but want to be federated with Threads. What’s not to understand?


    • @[email protected]OP
      24 months ago

      I was just wondering why my instance in particular chooses to block threads and instead let us choose to do so. I find it relates to big tech as, it’s there servers yeah, but running Free Open Source Software on top of that. Idk lol. Sorry if this posts seems weird.

      • @breadsmasher
        94 months ago

        You can’t defederate on a per user basis. Its either accept or reject federation from server A to B.

        Theres many reasons servers have been defederated, usually due to illegal content.

        There was a big backlash on many lemmy instances to Threads federating. The common feel from those discussions was to defederate from any meta owned instances as all it does is give meta tons more data to use. Anyone interested in privacy should be against threads federating

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        When I first read this, I thought you were referring to threads in the generic sense – that your instance was blocking specific discussions. You should have capitalized Threads™, and ideally have the TM.

        Wow… Fuck #Facebook for hi-jacking a common word. We really need to replace FB Threads™ with an unambiguous word that does not fuck up conversation.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        If you oppose tech giants, then of course these Cloudflare instances are unsuitable and should be avoided:

        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare
        • ← Cloudflare

        This has nothing to do with your question about blocked threads, but I gather that you want to avoid the enshitification brought by tech giants, and you are on Cloudflare is a walled-garden and exclusive club. Not everyone can access Cloudflare-jailed content. CF also sees your username and password. So I suggest choosing an instance other than the above, and favoring communities that are also not on those instances.

        Some free-world non-walled-garden instances are:

      • @[email protected]
        128 days ago

        It cuts both ways… if you were the owner of a server, would you want to be forced to allow content you didn’t want? I didn’t think so.