Didn’t see that one coming!

  • @Eldritch
    88 months ago

    I wouldn’t say that. They wouldn’t even have to leave France. Look up Carpenter brut’s turbo killer video. Tell me that isn’t basically just a light cycle/ grid cycle battle.

    Cast your net a little wider. Maybe a track like Starfighter from wice. Nearly anything from Dance With the Dead or Ghost Data. Maybe full-bodied or femme fatale in particular. Anything by Night Club or Glass Spells, Faderhead, VNV (when is the future anyone?), or Gary Numan. I could go on for another hour but I’m going to cut it here. Daft punk did a bang-up job on the last film. No question. But there are plenty of others who could knock it out of the park as well.

    • @roofuskit
      68 months ago

      Justice might also fit. Or even a collab between Carpenter Brut and Justice.

      • @Eldritch
        38 months ago

        Health, Occam’s Lazer, Orbital, Underworld, Aphex Twin, petutbator. One thing is for sure. We are not suffering from a shortage of groups who individually or collectively could knock a soundtrack like this out of the park.