Lol thanks for reminding me why I love Star Wars but always avoid the communities and fans at every possible cost 👍

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    Right, I felt it was a waste of fantastic stories to give us a poorly planned one that they’ve been trying to slowly retcon ever since. That’s why we’ve been getting all the mandoverse stuff and why Thrawn is back in the spotlight. They just initially shied away from recasting the OT characters so they could bring that star power to the projects. Sadly even with the star power and nostalgia the story didn’t hit a home run. So now we’re getting a reworked version of the Thrawn trilogy which is what should have been the case from the beginning, and hopefully this version can retcon some events to make the ST feel less jarring.

    • @Sanctus
      10 months ago

      It wasn’t jarring though. The glaring issue is that they borrowed their main villain reveal from a comic line that was not that popular to begin with. Nobody ever really liked Palps returning even before it was on the silver screen. He had six films lets move on to the One Sith. TFA was a perfect opener to the trilogy, though. Love it.

      • @[email protected]
        410 months ago

        Completely agree palps should’ve been left in the reactor of the 2nd death star. For all the world universe building, we see precious little of it outside of the legends novels. I was interested and excited during TFA, but the macguffin chase and nostalgia dump made it feel less of a movie and more like filler setting the stage. What came after was what really disappointed.