Those are lethal amounts of heebiejeebies

  • @Whirling_Cloudburst
    911 months ago

    The raptors have some, but ya. Guy needs to download a texture pack mod too anyway.

    • Ann ArchyOP
      111 months ago

      Everyone’s a critic. I have something for you: A painter sat at the river one time, and a little bit distressed. A shoemaker came by, and he asked the painter, “What is wrong?”.

      The painter answered, “I can’t for the life of me figure out how to paint the threads of these sandals!”, to which the shoemaker replied, “I am a shoemaker, I can tell you, that the frazzles do not go that way, they go like so!”, and showed the stunned painter.

      “That’s just it! Thank you, kind shoemaker!”

      “My pleasure. Now, you might also want to change that cloud, it seems a bit off color…”

      “Shoemaker, stay at your heel.”

      / Ancient Roman saying, rephrased

      • @Whirling_Cloudburst
        111 months ago

        I get you. That was mostly a gamer joke though. I can’t render 3d objects like that.