Remember to always check creative uses of spells with your DM.

  • @quinkin
    108 months ago

    Mirage Arcane. They may be eating twigs and leaf mulch, but they will enjoy it.

    • @Archpawn
      68 months ago

      You make terrain in an area up to 1 mile square look, sound, smell, and even feel like some other sort of terrain.

      No mention of taste. You’d better make it smell really good. Or just use Prestidigitation.

    • @Mirshe
      8 months ago

      Pathfinder has a spell called Allfood, makes literally anything into “food” (well, it’s tasteless mush, but it is edible). Creative uses include: chewing through doors, literally eating important MacGuffins, and disarming opponents via CHOMP.