
  • @gastationsushi
    49 months ago

    Same people who applaud Biden for being centrist are the same people that downvote videos like this for pointing out their similarities.

    If Trump is such a threat, why can’t we criticize Biden for doing the same shit Trump does?

    • @Eldritch
      09 months ago

      Well there’s a few things going on here. You’re aware how you have to be careful with who you are agreeing with about Israel being in the wrong in their current genocide. I’ve personally up voted someone at one point who, when I looked into their history a little deeper I immediately took it back. As elsewhere, they were basically advocating for the extermination of Jews.

      Combine That with the fact that most Americans and many westerners political understanding would struggle to fill a postage stamp. It truly makes having a nuanced discussion a pipe dream.

      Any critiques you may level. You also have to clarify to extreme lengths to not be seen simply as disingenuous opposition. Of which we are awash in currently. So much so that it drowns out any genuine nuanced criticism as seen.

      And when it comes down to it. Being that most lefties are against the existence of wealthy people. We tend to have very few wealthy benefactors. To own media outlets to spread our positions and policies. Often relying on the resources and donations of individuals. And even then, we tend to be preoccupied with performing purity test. To tear each other apart and find reasons to not support candidates. Rather than working realistically to elect the best we can get. To later replace them with better.