In the last 5 to 10 years everything seems to suck: product’s and services quality plummeted, everything from homes to cars to food became really expensive, technology stopped to help us to be something designed to f@ck with us and our money, nobody seems to be able to hold a job anymore, everyone is broke. Life seems worse in general.

Why? Did COVID made this happen? How?

  • @Goodie
    128 months ago

    I’ll do my best to explain what I can. But it’s hard, and many PHD dissertations will be written on this. It’s not exactly something that can just be explained.

    But yes, Covid was probably the most easily identifiable source. In addition, you could make a claim that Putins’ moves, the support from Russia to for various “alt-right” groups, and their eventual war in Ukraine (assumedly, aiming for culmination in reuniting the Soviet Union) have an impact. Lastly, we have various AI projects reading “maturity” (or at least public notoriety), and various services realizing they were missing out on a piece of the “AI pie”.

    Covid was… bad. It’s a new, deadly disease that potentially leaves people with life altering side effecs (long covid). The Vaccines are good, if not great even for having been developed so quickly and drastically change your likely outcomes, but they aren’t full immunity (like we have for Polio). This left governments in a dammed now if you don’t support people, or damned later if you do. They all chose various levels of later. Some governments supported businesses directly and left people alone to suffer, others supported people and left businesses mostly alone. Either way: Cash injections into an economy produces inflation.

    Fighting inflation… the most commonly accepted method in the western world is to raise interest rates* and then let it play out. With the loss of cheap money from low interest rates, many businesses are now being pushed by their owners and shareholders from focusing on growth to make profits (eg: Raise prices, crack downs on password sharing, API use).

    There are other claims you could make, and construct narratives with. For a few years now companies have been growing by expanding into growing countries, but now the number of countries left is short, and companies are running out of places to expand into to grow. Once again, as growth becomes impossible or undesirable, the focus shifts to extracting profit from your existing base. We are reaching maximum saturation.

    *Alternatives: If you would like to slash government spending… see Argentina’s inflation (it’s bad), for windfall taxes see Spain (it’s good).