Question to help me increase my understanding on what’s going on in the Linux desktop stack. I’ve heard Gnome doesn’t support VRR while KDE does.

Why does this matter, isn’t Wayland or X11 the one that would ultimately need to support VRR? Basically when running a game that I want to use VRR with, why does it matter what my desktop environment is doing?

  • Rustmilian
    1 year ago

    This is a kinda off-topic recommendation, but might I suggest you try out KDE Plasma 6 in a KDE Neon live environment and test out the improved VRR and such; reporting any bugs you may find.
    It’d be very helpful to making sure KDE Plasma 6 is as stable as possible on launch for everyone.
    Not a lot of testers have a VRR monitor to test, and various hardware configuration can yield weird bugs not fond on other systems.