“Vias analyseerde 100 pv’s van ongevallen met gewonden in Brussel (2020). Het aantal ongevallen met elektrische step verviervoudigde, van 409 in 2020 naar 1.748 in 2022. Zowel in 2021 als in 2022 waren er vier doden bij de gebruikers.”

Translated intro: Vias analyzed 100 PVs of accidents with injuries in Brussels (2020). The number of accidents involving electric scooters quadrupled, from 409 in 2020 to 1,748 in 2022. There were four fatalities among users in both 2021 and 2022.

  • @DV8OP
    12 years ago

    I’m curious to what the numbers will be for 2023, the number of clueless people I see driving these things keeps increasing. I live very rurally and it’s happening more and more that on these unlit backroard I suddenly see a scooter popping up a couple hundred meters in front of me, with no lights, no reflectors and in all black. And for those that don’t drive a car, seeing an object appear in front of you in a couple hundred meters doesn’t give you a lot of time to react.

    As a sidenot, this language selection thing will probably fuck up a Belgian community, back at the old place it was a given that English, Dutch and French (that one theoretically since few French people seemed to comment in French) goes and that everybody just comments in whatever language out of those three they felt like and we could all still read and respond in any language again.

    • Mysteriarch ☀️M
      22 years ago

      I’m not entirely sure yet what the language selection actually does? I know you can select multiple languages in your settings, but does it limit what you will see?

      • @DV8OP
        12 years ago

        It seems to according to the tool tip.