Not sure if it is like that because I’m in Korea, but on my Samsung S9 Samsung is injecting ads for their new S24 in my notifications. I’ve had the phone for 5 years and this is the first time I see ads in my phone notifications, unbelievable.

  • babyman
    18 months ago

    I gave up on Samsung after the exploding phone thing. I got enough problems

    • @Kage520
      138 months ago

      There was once a man named Sam, who lived in a town named Samsville - ironic, I know. Well, Sam was a really good singer, so good that he became famous and began touring the world. On Sam’s tour, he was singing, like any ordinary song, and then, suddenly, he sung a note so perfect it could melt hearts. A member of the audience who happened to be a Father of a church cried out that he knew what that was; a holy note. He explained that a holy note was extremely rare, and could only be sung by the most talented of singers. Now that it was known that Sam was able to sing holy notes, his tours became infinitely times more popular. As he toured the world, Sam sung holy notes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and then his tour was over. After the tour, Sam decided to go back o his home town of Samsville for one last show to the people he knew and loved. He performed the show in their local church which was oddly large, and the mayor of the town attended. About halfway during the performance, Sam sung a note so horrible that it sounded like a cross between a loud metal fork being scraped across a dinner plate and a demon screeching. After he sung this note, Sam burst into flames and melted to the ground in a puddle of human goo. Everyone was so shocked, the whole church was silent. After a moment, the mayor questioned what just happened. The Father of the church looked at the mayor with a sad look and said, “don’t you know mayor… Sam sung Note 7…”