I remember having a children’s story read to me in the early 1980s, either in a library story time or maybe at a daycare.

In the story, a duck goes on an adventure. The duck meets several different characters who want to come along with him, and the duck carries these other characters in his gizzard, regardless of how big they are. I don’t remember anything else about the plot, although presumably the duck runs into a series of obstacles and coughs up the appropriate character to help him fix each one.

This story was the first time I ever heard the word “gizzard”, and now every time I hear it I think about this story.

Any ideas?

  • @luvcraftOP
    12 years ago

    Ah, but “The Valiant Red Rooster” was first published in 1995, which would be over 10 years too late for it to be the story I remember…

    • @evil_sockmonkey
      12 years ago

      Yeah, I thought that might be a deal breaker, but worth a shot. good luck!