“This is the sort of thing that became Pitchfork’s stock in trade, this confused muddle of politics and pop, stuffed with trendy terms from cultural studies and the insistence that liking music was a form of activism.”

  • Codex
    48 months ago

    I thought this comment by “gnoment” was pretty interesting as well:

    The moralization of media is a capitalist dream. A capitalist problem with art is that there’s no accounting for taste, which means that aesthetic that can never 100% be controlled. Well, now that its about morality and not aesthetic, it’s much easier to control and market.

    I’d been obcessed with Contrapoint’s video about aesthetics. I hadn’t understood how much of fascism is rooted in particular aesthetics. This reminds me of that, and seems to expand on it with this useful notion that aesthetic control is manufactured through both populism and moralizing.

    Trump people don’t really argue morality through, they argue pure aesthetics as though that was morality.