• Flight – Cannot fly faster than 48 kph/30 mph.
  • Speed – Cannot move faster than the speed of sound or run on penetrable surfaces (e.g., water). Super speed is not restricted to running.
  • Telekinesis – Cannot lift more than 2,270 kilograms/5,000 pounds. Cannot use power on your own body.
  • Invisibility – Must be conscious to remain invisible. Your clothes become invisible when you do.
  • @EnderMB
    71 year ago

    Another question: Does the use of these super powers tire you out?

    I can run 5km in 20 mins. Will running 5km in 2 seconds make me as tired, or no effort from my end? The same goes with the other powers, will I be tired from a whole day of sitting invisible in a women’s locker room, or from ripping people’s clothes off with my mind? Will that tiredness mean I need to eat more, or the potential that I accidentally become visible again mid-robbery?