Hover Text:

The universe started in 1970. Anyone claiming to be over 38 is lying about their age.


[Cueball sits at a computer, staring at the screen and rubbing his chin in thought. A friend stands behind him.]
Cueball: Weird — My code’s crashing when given pre-1970 dates.
Friend [pointing at Cueball and his computer]: Epoch fail!

  • Deebster
    1 year ago

    Yeah, as a Brit I pronounce it ɪ́j p ɔ k (ee as in fleece, o like in goal), so this joke took me a bit to figure out.

    I didn’t even realise those US mavericks would say it like epic. Unless I’d heard it and didn’t recognise it - lately I’ve been hearing a few people mention the “Adam” editor and it took me several different people before I realised they were saying “Atom”.

    • Arghblarg
      31 year ago

      Thank you, sets my mind at ease to know it is not just me :)

      “Atom” vs. “Adam” – yes now that you mention it, you’re not hearing things, Americans do say it differently.

      This reminds me of something that constantly bothers me about youtube tutorials: I can tell instantly the presenter is American or was raised in America when they say “… now go ahead and …” rather than “now, …” or “next, …” when presenting step-by-step procedures. I don’t know why, but it really bothers me, yet there is nothing ‘wrong’ about it.

      • Deebster
        11 year ago

        Haha, constantly hearing “go ahead” is absolutely my #1 bugbear - I get so irritated and distracted when people keep repeating it that I have to rewind to actually listen to the other words. I’ve noticed some Brits have started using it to, much to my dismay.

        I was using gpg earlier and it told me “Go ahead and type your message”.