The report is a uniquely comprehensive and jargon‐​free (to the extent possible) explanation of U.S. legal immigration. Contrary to public perception, immigrants cannot simply wait and get a green card (permanent residence) after a few years. Legal immigration is less like waiting in line and more like winning the lottery: it happens, but it is so rare that it is irrational to expect it in any individual case.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    8 months ago

    "Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”

    (Poem from the statue of Liberty)

    The asshole I’m replying to: “nah fuck that I hate foreigners” (probably white of European descent living in America, where white people didn’t exist until the very late 1400’s.)

    Seriously, go fuck yourself.

    Edit: also love how because of idiots like you rather than having seasonal migrant workers we’re lowering the age requirements for workers and reducing the protections for child labor, because dumb shits like you can’t handle some extra brown people running around here.

    • @GardenVarietyAnxiety
      108 months ago

      This is the result of fear mongering and “white replacement” conspiracy theories…

      (Not informing you, just saying!)