No problem and it gives me an excuse to show off the DLT-19, which is one of the least disguised prop guns in Star Wars. It’s just an MG-34 with the stock painted black.
It finally did get a scope and some greeble slapped on in Rogue One. I am fairly sure the thread opening concept art is for Rogue One, but since it’s just normal stormtroopers I guess they don’t get the fancy version.
You can tell this is an accurate depiction by the fact that the sniper is hip-firing like a jackass.
Which sniper? There’s a trooper with a DLT-19 heavy blaster that’s running, and a shore trooper with what looks like a standard issue E-11 firing.
Ah my bad… Honestly didn’t look all too closely and I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a Star Wars expert.
Just a lame joke going for the low-hanging fruit.
No problem and it gives me an excuse to show off the DLT-19, which is one of the least disguised prop guns in Star Wars. It’s just an MG-34 with the stock painted black.
It finally did get a scope and some greeble slapped on in Rogue One. I am fairly sure the thread opening concept art is for Rogue One, but since it’s just normal stormtroopers I guess they don’t get the fancy version.