I recently reinstalled arch but I have a problem with efi partition, user can acces it and the fstab is fucked up

Static information about the filesystems.

See fstab(5) for details.



UUID=e085a3ed-42c6-4329-ae32-9fe68d6ea02f >/ ext4 rw,relatime 0 1


UUID=81F6-B0FD /boot vfat >rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=>437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors>=remount-ro 0 2


UUID=e085a3ed-42c6-4329-ae32-9fe68d6ea02f >/ ext4 rw,relatime 0 1


UUID=81F6-B0FD /boot/grub vfat >rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage>=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,erro>rs>=remount-ro 0 2


UUID=e085a3ed-42c6-4329-ae32-9fe68d6ea02f / ext4 rw,relatime 0 1


UUID=81F6-B0FD /boot/grub vfat >rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=>437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,utf8,error>s=remount-ro 0 2

I have tried modifying and regenerating fstab but it dosen’t work. Also grub can’t be accessed when I’m booted, nor does grub theme. How to I fix this?

  • yianiris
    18 months ago

    1 are you using systemd-boot?

    2 is your efi mounted as efi or boot?

    3 depending on 2, manually unmount efi and see what you have on boot, maybe you have grub.cfg in 2 places.

    @Hiro8811 @may_nya

    • @Hiro8811OP
      18 months ago
      1. I think so, it ships with arch, right?
      2. I had it mounted in more places. First on /boot then in /grub and now it’s in /efi.
      3. The grub.cfg config has always been in the same folder but I’ll check it to make sure.
      • yianiris
        18 months ago

        When I had an /efi mount just as arch said on wiki I didn’t have problems. /boot stayed with root system, so it can be booted with efi or mbr.

        If you have 2+ disks and one has mbr the other is gpt you can boot from either bootloader.

        You should also try limine, less headaches than grub.


        • @Hiro8811OP
          18 months ago

          I have windows with broken efi partition on another disk but that’s not important, or is it?

          • yianiris
            18 months ago

            If you have installed grub into that other efi then you may have the two, and you are customizing one and it boots another. You can use refind or hit F12 (or whatever it is in your mb) to select device and boot with other disk, see what it does. Usually linux os-prober is good at making an entry for windows booting too, but it would have been best to leave it alone.
            Your windows system may be fine, it just needs the efi fixed or carried by grub.


          • yianiris
            18 months ago

            To turn os-prober on see /etc/default/grub -> false and install os-prober, then run grub-mkconfig -o …


            • @Hiro8811OP
              18 months ago

              Dosen’t work. At first the partition was dirty no I managed to run chxdisk(or whatever its called) and can mount it without hassle but it still dosen’t appear in boot menu. I think there’s something wrong with grub.cfg since the theme is not displaying but I don’t know how to solve it

              • yianiris
                18 months ago

                The theme itself is defined in grub.cfg, but it may be the case that it is stored in your root partition not in efi, so during bootloading the drive can’t be read from.
                So if you manually change the location of the theme directory and copy it inside efi it may work, and change the position of in grub.cfg


                • @Hiro8811OP
                  8 months ago

                  I was looking through commands history and I noticed something. If I’m mounting efi in /efi but I save grub-mkconfig -o to /boot/grub/grub.cfg during boot grub won’t even notice the config file since root is not mounted. Should I save changes to /efi/grub/grub.cfg instead? Or /boot/grub/grub.cfg is the place it should be?

                  • yianiris
                    18 months ago

                    root must always be mounted if you have a system, either by booting or chroot. If you mount just efi from another system .
                    On my setup /efi/EFI/grub only has the grub efi binary no config, /boot and therefore /boot/grub is on /root partition

                    Now if you have the entire /boot in the /efi partition then it would be /efi/boot/grub/grub.cfg?
