hello again, also i still cant really code…

Im not sure where to start becasue im more visaul learner so when i see godot’s docs my brain exploids but that might be the only way. im not even sure if i should use godot and i recently got rpg maker 2003 from steam but i have yet to use it becasue im a bit intimidated. so how should one learn godot and which version should a beginner use? also shoudl i post a game if it stinks or should i wait to get better?

also if you have any tips for rpg maker also let em know.

  • @NocturnalMorning
    52 years ago

    If you’re new to Godot, I’d probably use godot 3.5. Godot 4 came out a few months ago, and they’re still working kinks out. It’s similar enough to Godot 3.5 that once you learn the ropes with 3.5, you can think about migrating to 4. I would also lean toward 3.5 bcz there are way more tutorial for it, and you’ll be digging through documentation to figure out what changed with 4. Hope that helps.