Do you use a non-tiling window manager like IceWM or blackbox? I use a patched version of motif window manager and it works really well.

Please share!

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I am a proud Openbox user. In the stacking realm, there is nothing quite like Openbox’s customizeability and the great tooling that surrounds it. In particular, opensnap gives me window snapping to the edge of the screen with the mouse, which is sorely missing from most light window managers. Openbox also has really powerful hotkeys (any arbitrary sequence of actions) alongside Emacs-style key chords, which makes it difficult to port my setup to any other environment.

    One day, I hope to migrate to labwc, which seems to be carrying Openbox’s banner into the Wayland era. Unfortunately, labwc doesn’t (and probably never will) support key chords and I have not been able to find a suitable replacement for tint2, which I use as my taskbar. Someday…

    Here is an old screenshot of mine. Nothing has changed since then.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        The sfwbar screenshots did not appeal to me, so I never tried it out. If it’s sufficiently customizeable then it’s worth a shot, I guess.

        One of the big issues that I have with all the Wayland panels is that they seem designed for tiling compositors like Sway. More like status bars than task bars. The Windows-style list of open programs is not really necessary for a tiling workflow and this is painfully reflected in the available options. I have bashed Waybar into a decent facsimile of my tint2 config visually, but the actual window list module is just awful.

      • @Synthead
        11 year ago

        Must’ve been someone from Reddit! 🥁