The film is something of a big deal, despite its unheralded Netflix premiere. The Kitchen marks Daniel Kaluuya’s (Nope, Judas and the Black Messiah) directorial debut, alongside short film director Kibwe Tavares. Kaluuya also co-wrote the film with Gangs of London’s Joe Murtagh, cementing a vision of dystopian, near-future London alongside an unconventional tale of found family. It’s Blokamp-esque in design, but is centered on Britain’s Black diaspora. It’s a shame such a unique film can’t be seen on the biggest screen possible, but it at least deserves to be seen by as many eyes as possible.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I have not. I’ll give that one a shot, too. I’m not too big on “drama only” movies. I like some action to make it entertaining. Is this one good?