The current congressional proposal — one of the most conservative ever, observers say — is ambitious. But immigration laws passed decades ago are dated and can’t be changed easily.

Failed democratic states, violence and climate change will continue to drive people to the United States, Murray said.

Even if supplemental funding is approved, there will not be immediate effects felt on the border, as migrants who are denied legal entrance will likely continue to cross illegally.

Migrants don’t often understand nuanced changes in immigration policy, Yale-Loehr said.

“People who are fleeing likely don’t read The New York Times. They are going to come no matter what the law is or how Congress changes,” Yale-Loehr said.

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  • @Rapidcreek
    37 months ago

    According to the Fox News Washington correspondent it looks something like this.

    • Mandatory detention of all single adults.

    • Mandatory “shut down” of border once average daily migrant encounters hits 5,000. Importantly, this 5,000 number includes 1,400 CBP One app entries at ports of entry per day, and roughly 3,600 illegal crossings per day.

    • How is that enforced? Once the 5,000 threshold is hit, a new authority is codified into law that requires Border Patrol to immediately remove illegal immigrants they catch without processing. They would not get to request asylum, they would immediately be removed. This includes removals back to Mexico, and deportations to home countries. This would be a massive change from current policy, which is that once an illegal immigrant reaches US soil, they must be processed via Title 8 and allowed to claim asylum. Under this new authority – they are not processed, and they are mandatorily immediately removed once the “shut down” threshold is reached.

    • This “shut down” also takes effect is there are 8,500 migrant encounters in a single day.

    -The “shut down” would not lift the next day. It wouldn’t lift until daily encounters are reduced to under 75% of the 5,000 threshold for at least two weeks. This means the “shut down” authority would not lift until two weeks of an average of less than 3,750 migrant encounters per day.

    • Some family units will be released with ATD (Alternatives to Detention, ankle monitors etc).

    • New removal authority to immediately remove all migrants who do not have valid asylum claims, which will be determined within 6 months rather than the years long process we have right now.

    • Any migrant caught trying to cross twice during “shut down” phase would be banned from entering US for one year.

    • US will need agreement with Mexico for MX to take back non Mexican illegal immigrants. This hasn’t been ironed out yet.

    • President Biden approves of the deal and is ready to sign it as is, right now, and implement the new authority it would give him.

    • TWeaK
      137 months ago

      a new authority is codified into law that requires Border Patrol to immediately remove illegal immigrants they catch without processing. They would not get to request asylum, they would immediately be removed.

      So in other words they want to make a law that completely violates international law the US was a part of writing.

    • Flying Squid
      67 months ago

      Some family units will be released with ATD (Alternatives to Detention, ankle monitors etc).

      Can’t wait to start seeing the news footage of six-year-olds with ankle monitors.