It’s lonely being an adult

  • @MysticSmear
    282 years ago

    I wish it was as easy as it was when we were kids and on the playground. You would just show someone your sweet dinosaur toy and ask them to play with you and boom friends for life. Or until mom got tired of sitting in the bench. Whichever happened first.

    • Sammy
      12 years ago

      With the real ones out there, you can still do that at any age!

    • monke hashira
      2 years ago

      It’s also a lot harder to find good friends because of our increase in life problems, emotional needs, a lot less free time compared to when we were children. We lack the time, energy and motivation to form new relationships after working 8+ hours a day. We don’t even have a free spot to hang out like when we were kids and the spontaneous nature to talk and play with others. We are much more afraid now that people will judge us. Also trusting a random ass dude feels much more dangerous now than when i was a kid lol.