To the butthurt downvotes: yep, you misunderstood the meme. Maybe it’s my fault, maybe it’s group thinking… I don’t know… it’s literally meant to make fun of actual people who support genocide… what kind of person would use this meme format unironically?

Edit: this thread has been the most reddit-y I’ve seen on lemmy… thank you for robbing me of some hope

  • @RedditWanderer
    08 months ago

    In theory, you can gather a following of people with like-minded opinions on genocide and form a group that can then fulfill their own goals.

    Be the change you want to see in the world.

    • ???OP
      -18 months ago

      You think the meme refers to me personally? Is this like r/me_irl or is this Political Memes?

      • @RedditWanderer
        08 months ago

        Did I reply to your post or to your comment? This has nothing to do with the sub, you know what you’re doing

        • ???OP
          8 months ago

          Oh, enlighten me, what am I doing?

          PS: you replied to my comment to a comment to the post, still on the same topic.