• @Potatos_are_not_friends
    10 months ago

    Does it ever go away? I started getting it around 37 years ago, after I turned 3yo

    • @Bondrewd
      10 months ago

      Well, to be honest, I was an extremely angry kid, to the extent of destroying my desk over time while playing an FPS.

      But I think sleep is atleast 60% of it. Im starting to notice that there is an amount of sleep where you feel like you slept well, but you still get to fuck your brain up over annoyances and even casual chit chat.

      If it is as small as 7:30 instead of 8 hours you might be angry and unmotivated instead of kind of calm and reasonably ready to do shit. If you dont have uninterrupted sleep as long as that, good chances that it might be causing you be on the edge.

      Stress comes in in this case because the latter section of sleep is more related to emotional regulation. I can get really worked up while a week progresses where I sleep worse.