Years ago I spent some time analyzing Candle-Flicker LEDs that contain an integrated circuit to mimic the flickering nature of real candles. Artificial candles have evolved quite a bit since then, …
I don’t think people realize how common PIC12 uCs (and clones) are these days. A huge chunk of PIC12 uCs are OTP as well, so no one can ever change the code once its been written to. Its more cost-efficient to build one-time-programmable microcontrollers than to try to change an ASIC production line over-and-over for each different product line.
I don’t think people realize how common PIC12 uCs (and clones) are these days. A huge chunk of PIC12 uCs are OTP as well, so no one can ever change the code once its been written to. Its more cost-efficient to build one-time-programmable microcontrollers than to try to change an ASIC production line over-and-over for each different product line.