• @Flala
    25 months ago

    You sir are mentally ill. Get help!

    • @DrMorose
      15 months ago

      He is also talking movie techno babble, with the exception of the shape charge for the tank buster. That was actually use in Afghanistan and Iraq, but the whole using microwave towers to take down a plane.

      While his theory for the plane is sound he doesn’t know what equipment those towers have and there is no way to tighten the beam of a parabolic dish without changing the feed horn. Plus tightening the beam will not add power(in this case heat potential) to allow the towers to do what he wants.

    • @Phanlix
      05 months ago

      It is not mental illness to recognize the threat of the confederacy or successionists. And Sherman was right. We should have massacred all white slave owners when we won the war.